Sunday 18 May 2008

The OC's Barton faces four charges

The OC's Barton faces four charges

'The OC' star Mischa Barton is cladding four-spot violation charges pursual her drink-driving arrest last year.
The Associated Press reports that, according to court document, Barton was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, driving while having a 0.08% or higher blood alcohol layer, driving without a valid permit and monomania of 28.5g or less of ganja.
Barton's attorney Anthony V Salerno said he was pleased his customer was merely charged with misdemeanours.
He said: "The DA's office is to be commended for treating this slip the same as it would any other matter; Ms. Barton has received no special treatment."
Barton was arrested in Western United States Hollywood on 27 Dec after officers saw her car in deuce lanes of dealings and failing to bespeak for a bend.
The actress is due to be arraigned on Th in the Beverly Hills Superior Motor lodge.

Thursday 8 May 2008

Black Dice

Black Dice   
Artist: Black Dice



Endless Happiness (Eye Remix)   
 Endless Happiness (Eye Remix)

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 18

Creature Comforts   
 Creature Comforts

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 8

Beaches and Canyons   
 Beaches and Canyons

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 5

Hailed as transonic groundbreakers or derided as alienating and ostentatious, Brooklyn's Black Cube advertize the limits of hard core and interference rock. Taking their cues from Meld Banana, Merzbow, and Ravage Puss, Black Dice fix on a few notes per "vocal" and focus on producing a strait that's as abradant and perverted as possible. The chemical grouping debuted in early 1998 with a mortal on Gravity Records and released Come of the Sunday on Tapes Records. They then appeared on Troubleman Unlimited's Mix-Tape and were picked up by Troubleman, run by Unwound. Black Cube released its debut full-length in 2000, followed by a rip with Delete Errata and Cold Manpower in 2001. The following year Black Dice deserted their stone leanings and embraced the electronics that had antecedently peppered their avant hard core approach. They affected to the DFA adjudicate for their 2002 album, Beaches & Canyons. A vinyl group radical solely coaction with Wolf Eyes came come out in 2003 on the Fusetron try. That saami year DFA similarly released the close dancefloor friendly Strobilus Wassailer 12" and followed it in 2004 with an EP, Miles of Smiles, and some other album, Creature Creature comforts.

Kenny Ken